National Association of Community and Restorative Justice (NACRJ), in collaboration with National Center on Restorative Justice (NCORJ) at Vermont Law and Graduate School and the Center for Restorative Justice at University of San Diego, hosts this map of organizations, education institutions, and other entities across the United States that offer restorative justice services and resources. This project is an extension of previous work conducted in recent decades by several groups who were interested in creating a directory and map to identify and connect restorative justice practitioners and entities across the country.
This map is not intended to be an endorsement by NACRJ or its collaborative partners for any particular organization or entity. Rather, the map is intended to serve as a resource and directory to support professionals, community members, researchers, and others interested in restorative justice in drawing connections to others pursuing this work.
Is This the Right Map for You?
We acknowledge there is no single definition of restorative justice and there is no single organization or entity that is in a position to summarize or define the scope of services and efforts that are included under the umbrella of restorative justice and restorative practices. The parameters of this particular map & directory is specific to restorative justice as distinct from other adjacent processes (e.g., mediation, PBIS, community service, etc.).
One of the criteria of the map is that each entry provides a link to their webpage where the description of offered restorative justice services is clearly stated. If you or your organization provide restorative justice processes or resources and it is not currently reflected on your webpage, we encourage you to add that information before you submit an entry.

The Map Contains the Following Categories
Any collaborative group that serves multiple restorative justice programs or agencies in a given geographical area (e.g., city, county, state, region). Coalitions typically do not provide direct services to people, as they operate at a higher, wider networking level.
If you, your program or institution fall into any of the five categories, please submit your entry for inclusion in the map. Please share this information with those in your network who may also fall into one of these categories to make this an expansive resource. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact NACRJ at Thank you for taking the time to help build this important resource for the restorative justice community.